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Chemical Peels

Posted on: December 12th, 2016 by California Skin Institute

Exfoliation is a very important part of any skin care routine, whether through dermabrasion or chemical peels.* Your skin goes through a natural regeneration cycle wherein it grows new cells and sheds old ones. This cycle takes about 28 days in the average individual and is meant to renew the skin and keep it healthy. Unfortunately, the natural process isn’t always efficient. For example, individuals with acne may experience more pore clogging due to dead cells being trapped within sebum. Age also plays a role, as the skin has difficulty shedding dead cells as we get older. This leads to problems with skin texture and can contribute to pore clogging and to making the pores appear larger.

To avoid such issues, many California Skin Institute patients opt for monthly exfoliation treatments with chemical peels.* When you decide to come in for your next treatment with one of our aestheticians, don’t forget to take advantage of our Buy 5 Facials get 6th Free** program!

What Chemical Peels Do

Although the basic idea behind chemical peels is to exfoliate the skin, different types of peels can be used to achieve vastly different outcomes.* Overall, chemical peels benefit so many different parts of your complexion. For example, some peels can improve skin texture, while others are more focused on cleansing pores, which can reduce acne and make the pores appear smaller.* Therefore it’s important to discuss your skin care goals with your California Skin Institute aesthetician in detail, so that we can help you select the best treatment for your situation.*

Further, it’s important to select the right chemical peel based on specific skin factors, like sensitivity and skin tone. For example, individuals with sensitive skin and darker skin tones may not achieve the best aesthetic results with very strong peels.*

  • Glycolic Acid Peel:  This chemical peel relies on glycolic acid to dislodge dead skin cells and cleanse pores.* It’s a relatively mild peel and can even be used as part of an acne treatment routine.*
  • Jessner Peel:  The Jessner peel relies on lactic and salicylic acids to remove dead skin cells.* It can be formulated with different concentrations, but is typically stronger than a glycolic acid peel.*
  • TCA Peel:  The TCA peel utilizes trichloroacetic acid as its main component. This is a strong peel that may require several days of down time after treatment.*
  • VI Peel:  One of the great features of this peel is that it’s safe for most skin types, including darker skin tones.* It can be used to achieve a variety of goals, including texture improvement and reduction of hyperpigmentation.*
  • Vitalize Peel: This peel contains a blend of alpha hydroxy and beta hydroxy acids. It is often used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and to make the pores look smaller by dislodging pore plugs.*

Please keep in mind that these are just some of the peels that your California Skin Institute aesthetician may suggest. The best course of treatment in your situation will be suggested to you during your personalized, one-on-one consultation with one of our expert aestheticians.*

Chemical Peels for Scars and Hyperpigmentation

California Skin Institute aestheticians have helped many patients reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and acne scars with chemical peels.* By gradually exfoliating layers of dead skin cells, the dark and brown spots will become lighter.*

Of course, how quickly the results will be achieved will depend on how serious the problem is and the strength of the chemical peel being used.* For example, a TCA peel will typically provide dramatic improvement after just one treatment, but requires more down time.* Whereas a glycolic acid chemical peel will take longer to produce results, but doesn’t require the patient to take time off work or social activities.*

Chemical Peels for Wrinkles

In addition to reducing the appearance of scars and hyperpigmentation, chemical peels can also improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.* This happens for several reasons. Firstly, removing even a thin layer of dead cells from the skin can make fine lines and wrinkles look less pronounced.* Secondly, exfoliated skin is better at reflecting light, which produces a more glowing appearance and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.*

Dermatologist-Performed Chemical Peels

It’s also important to note that although most peels can be performed by our expert aestheticians, some chemical peels are so strong that they can only be performed by a dermatologist.* Such peels typically require longer recovery times, but can produce a dramatic reduction of scars, hyperpigmentation, and some types of wrinkles.*

Preparing for a Chemical Peel Appointment

To get the most out of your chemical peel appointment and avoid damaging the skin, it’s a good idea to take several precautions. Here are some good points to keep in mind about your appointment*:

  • Makeup:  Wearing makeup is typically not an issue. One of our expert aestheticians will cleanse your skin before the treatment, so you don’t have to worry about removing the makeup beforehand.*
  • At-Home Exfoliants:  Please avoid using at-home exfoliants, like Retinol, before the appointment.* These can make your skin highly sensitive to the chemical peel.* In fact, our aestheticians won’t be able to perform the treatment if you’ve used retinol or other exfoliants the night before treatment.*
  • Social Calendar:  Most chemical peels do not cause side effects that require down time for healing.* However, you may need to allot several days for “social down time” as you may experience mild peeling that would make it difficult to participate in social events.*

Your Chemical Peel Consultation

The best way to see which chemical peel is right for you is to schedule a consultation with one of our expert aestheticians.* Simply call a California Skin Institute practice near you, and we’ll be glad to help!

*Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed.

(** 5 treatments must be purchased at the same time in order to qualify for the 6th free treatment. All treatments must be used within 12 months of purchase by scheduling an appointment in advance. Treatments are not transferable. Offer not valid for peels performed by doctors.)
