If you’ve ever gone to an aesthetician, you’ve heard of glycolic acid. It’s the cornerstone of professional treatment plans addressing a wide range of skin concerns. In both clinical-grade facial peels and over-the-counter home care, glycolic acid...read more
After spending countless days indoors, whether due to weather or coronavirus precautions, you could probably use a refresh. A good place to start is with your skincare.*
As you’re no doubt aware, beautiful, healthy...read more
Take a little cruise around Instagram and YouTube, and it’s easy to catch “DIY fever.” Women with perfect skin tout the benefits of one hot consumer “medical” treatment device or another. You can also watch demos showing how to...read more
You accomplish so much with your hands. It’s easy to forget just how fragile the skin is — especially on the backs. We constantly subject our hands to damaging solar rays, drying cleansers and chemicals, and the ongoing stresses...read more
‘Tis the season… that takes a toll on your skin! Cold, harsh weather. Overheated rooms. Short, dark days. Holiday-related stress and overindulgence. It all shows in your skin. So how are you supposed to look your best for the...read more